Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Would You Rather: Sexual Object or Raging Bitch

Like most couples do, my husband and I like to watch TV together just to wind down and relax. One of our most frequent TV dates involves football. Naturally, as you may've guessed, the commercials tend toward the male persuasion.

You get the run-of-the-mill beer commercials with hot ladies (though she might be busted).

The car commercials with hot ladies washing cars. 

 The "how manly are YOU?" commercials. Totes man. All man. Oh man.

The misogynistic nature of these commercials aside (that's another blog for another time, dear friends), it portrays women in a somewhat positive light. (Again, I get that these are terribly objectifying-- I mean, aside from that grossly awesome SteamPunk mustache excitement-- but, hear me out).

There are two types of commercials that offend me MUCH more. I'll divide them into two categories (sadly, not very well titled).

The first type of commercial that actually offends me more is the portrayal of women as cold and heartless. I hate the "nagging wife" stereotype. I also hate the passive agressive type. I actually saw the perfect example the other day. Here it is.

2011 commercial from AT&T (viewed at Primetime)

 God. You just feel so bad for the guy. What is this woman's problem? I'm a woman and I want to throttle her! Who sets out to be that mean? This commercial sucks. Plus, I think AT&T should highlight their plan as a positive thing instead of shrouding it in "humor" dripping from this poisonous wasp's mouth. GAH.

Or this one: State Farm (viewed at Primetime)

 Seriously lady? Lay off! He just backed into a car. Just calm down. Give the man a second, damn!

The second type that really gets under my skin is the, "Wow, my wife is SO annoying." *insert husband/boyfriend eyeroll followed by a cheers with beers* Why are all wives in advertising often subject to being dumb little creatures who are always messing something up, being an annoyance, getting in the way of "bro-time?" And God forbid she wants to spend time with her spouse. Boy, this commercial really burns my beans:

Dodge Charger (another Primetime--aired during the 2011 Super Bowl)

Bottom Line:

Honestly, and ladies, you can give me your opinion: Would you rather be portrayed as an object of sexual desire but at least connected to positive experiences and things that men enjoy, or as a total and complete jerk or annoyance?

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